Meet Adele Bach, the wife of one of BUILD’s original founders, who in 1969 had the foresight to tackle gang issues through innovative tactics. Focusing on remediation, Hank Bach and his fellow founders laid the foundation for the work we still do today. Their mission was to provide positive alternatives for gang-affiliated youth, like athletics, cultural activities and job training. Though Hank Bach is no longer with us, his legacy lives on in the work we do every day. We are grateful for BUILD, which gives us a platform to carry out his vision. 50 Years of Stories - BUILD Radio podcast series and archive project, captures the stories of our founders, our early days, and the struggles and successes that have created impact for five decades. We'll celebrate Adele Bach and other BUILD pioneers at our 50th Anniversary Gala on at Navy Pier May 3, 2019. Listen to Adele Bach on our “50 Years of Stories” podcast series.